There are some things you should take into account before you apply for a visa. First and foremost, it is helpful to recognize that many visa applications are rejected. Each year, thousands of hopefuls are denied in their effort to live and work in the U.S.
The good news is that you have the right to seek out help from an experienced attorney during this process. A dedicated visa lawyer in Show Low could help you select the appropriate visa program and navigate the legal system.
There are many different visa programs available under federal law. Some provide you with a path to becoming a U.S. citizen, while others will eventually require you to leave the country. These are known as immigrant and non-immigrant visas.
Dealing with delays is often a part of the visa application process. While this process always takes time, some applicants face extensive and unreasonable delays before they receive an answer. Diamondback Legal could help you deal with these delays directly by contacting USCIS or even pursuing legal action.
At Diamondback Legal, we have helped countless visa applicants navigate the process. We understand that the stakes are high, and we are ready to provide you with the guidance you need. Call as soon as possible for a confidential consultation with a Show Low visa lawyer.